Key Endorsements & Awards

Governor Ron DeSantis

Congressman Mike Waltz
“Travis Hutson is a Constitutional Conservative and committed partner in our fight to protect conservative values for the citizens and taxpayers of Northeast Florida. Travis is a proven Republican leader who has consistently delivered for Florida.”

Florida Right to Life PAC
“On behalf of Florida Right to Life PAC, I am pleased to inform you that we
have given your candidacy our endorsement. The endorsement indicates that you
are the best pro-life candidate in the race and is a recommendation that our
members and supporters vote for you.”
have given your candidacy our endorsement. The endorsement indicates that you
are the best pro-life candidate in the race and is a recommendation that our
members and supporters vote for you.”

American Conservative Union Foundation
Award for Conservative Excellence
“We hope these Ratings will empower each and every American to hold their officials accountable and to rally behind the conservative champions who defend our freedoms in statehouses around the country.”

Florida Chamber of Commerce
``A`` Rating
“The Florida Chamber’s Legislative Report Card is an annual opportunity to recognize members of the Florida Legislature who placed making Florida more competitive through non-partisan private-sector job creation above special interests and attempts to protect the status quo. The Report Card also lets Florida families, small businesses, taxpayers and voters know who voted in favor of private sector job creation and a stronger, more diversified economy.”

Associated Industries of Florida
97% Voting Record
“Senator Travis Hutson scored highest in the Senate, aligning with AIF 97 percent of the time.”

National Federation of Independent Businesses
``100%`` Rating
“While most elected officials claim to support small businesses, the NFIB voting record gives business owners and other citizens a picture of what your state representatives and state senators are up to in Tallahasee. Please thank those legislators who supported small business.”

Foundation for Florida's Future
``A+`` Rating
“Florida’s Education Report Card recognizes policymakers who took bold action to pass student-centered legislation during the 2022 legislative session.”

Americans for Prosperity
``A`` Rating
“Americans for Prosperity applauds those who fight against bad public policy while proposing and supporting solutions that break down barriers to individual success.”